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ALE/S-ALE training class in 2019

Comprehensive ALE and Structured-ALE Modeling Methods and Applications
May 29--May 30, Class in Troy, Michigan
Oct 30--Oct 31, Class in Livermore, California
By Dr. Ian Do, ALE support for nearly 20 years
Please double check the class name. Do not get confused with another class named "ALE, Eulerian, and Fluid-Structure Interaction in LS-DYNA®"

Mesh trimming

Added in dev.124272 to trim off elements far away
The resultant mesh is not rectangular any more
Paper at 2018 User Conference
Example models here and here.

Tdeath to delete S-ALE mesh

Added in dev.116748 to delete S-ALE mesh(es) from further calculation.
Delete one or multiple S-ALE meshes; others can still be alive
To study structure repsonses further while eliminating fluids
Also disable all related components such as:
Stress calculation, Element update, ALE advection, Fluid structure interaction